Microsoft word keyboard shortcuts to switch text styles
Microsoft word keyboard shortcuts to switch text styles

Camel case is also distinct from snake case, which uses underscores interspersed with lowercase letters (sometimes with the first letter capitalized). Pascal case means only upper camel case.Ĭamel case is distinct from Title Case, which capitalises all words but retains the spaces between them, and from Tall Man lettering, which uses capitals to emphasize the differences between similar-looking words such as "predniSONE" and "predniSOLONE". Some people and organizations, notably Microsoft, use the term camel case only for lower camel case. For clarity, this article calls the two alternatives upper camel case (initial uppercase letter, also known as Pascal case) and lower camel case (initial lowercase letter, also known as Dromedary case). Some programming styles prefer camel case with the first letter capitalised, others not. So, I figured I should look it up and share what I found.Ĭamel case (stylized as camelCase also known as camel caps or more formally as medial capitals) is the practice of writing phrases such that each word or abbreviation in the middle of the phrase begins with a capital letter, with no intervening spaces or punctuation. It's more like a camel that way, with the hump in the middle. I never capitalized the first word when using camelCase. Moderators are not experts in everything so we do not always moderate for accuracy, though there are often one or two people wearing their smarty pants in the comments. Lastly, always check the comments for guides. If you do we may remove some of your posts in the interest of keeping a wide array of topics. Please help keep the sub diverse by not saturating the sub with one topic. Many of you might have whole folders of guides, but they are all on similar topics. If you know the source of your guide, post it in the comments so people can know the true heros! This includes guides describing the creation of dangerous items/materials and/or guides that are designed with the purpose to harm or hurt others do not fit the culture of this sub and will be removed. Guides depicting harmful, dangerous, or destructive content will be removed. Guides must use either Reddit or Imgur as an image hostĥ. Nonserious/Comedy Guides Will Be Removed (better suited for /r/shittycoolguides)Ĥ. Please only post direct links to images of type. If you have questions message us, if you think a post is not a good one downvote it.ġ.

Microsoft word keyboard shortcuts to switch text styles mod#

These are the considerations the mod team use when they feel it is appropriate to remove posts. Sometimes infographics can masquerade as how-to guides. If your guide is more of a visual essay than a structured table or list, then chances are that is an infographic.

microsoft word keyboard shortcuts to switch text styles microsoft word keyboard shortcuts to switch text styles

Flow charts and step-by-step guides are considered guides, so are visual references that line up different types of something next to one another other.Īn infographic is more educational in layout and content, finding something specific on an infographic is not as easy because it is designed to inform through more narrative structures.

microsoft word keyboard shortcuts to switch text styles

Guides are typically laid out in a grid configuration of some sort or sectioned into multiple tables by a category or step of a process. On top of that not all guides are created equal, many technically qualify as guides, but lack substance. If someone has to visually bop around your guide to find what they are looking for, the guide does not pass the layout test. The layout or structure of a guide must be that so, when someone is trying to find/reference information from the guide, they can do so logically or simply.

microsoft word keyboard shortcuts to switch text styles

It takes both content and layout to make something a guide. Guides are reference materials, how-tos, and/or comparison tables.

Microsoft word keyboard shortcuts to switch text styles